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Web 5 tips to boost your website performance

5 tips to boost your website performance

3 min Read

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Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is beneficial or not:

Before directly talking about the benefits, start with explaining what CDN is.

CDN is necessary to reach users around the world. Whether downloading files or setting up sites internationally, Content Delivery Network ensures that you benefit from high-speed and reliable service. Page load times are shortened, an important asset in an era where time management is a major challenge.

CDN not only allows you to download files in a fast way, but it is also very efficient from a security point of view. User comfort is greatly facilitated by the efficiency and reliability of the network. It also improves the referencing of websites, which is often essential for the long-term survival of the site. Now, let's explore why integrating a CDN is essential:

1. Global Reach:

  • CDN ensures your content reaches users around the world seamlessly, overcoming geographical constraints.
  • Ideal for downloading files or establishing international sites, it provides high-speed and reliable service.

2. Accelerated Page Load Times:

  • Shortens page load times significantly, addressing the challenge of time management in today's fast-paced digital environment.

3. Efficient File Downloads:

  • Allows fast and efficient downloading of files, enhancing the overall user experience.

4. Security Advantages:

  • Acts as a robust security measure, safeguarding content and user data against potential threats.
  • Enhances the security posture of your website, contributing to a safer online environment.

5. Enhanced User Comfort:

  • The efficiency and reliability of the CDN contribute to a seamless and comfortable user experience.

6. Improved Website Referencing:

  • Enhances website referencing, a critical factor for the long-term survival and visibility of the site.

Optimize images are helpful or not

Images and illustrations are part of every website, contributing to visual appeal and effective communication. However, optimizing these visuals is crucial for the following reasons:


1. Increase Web Page Speed:

  • Unoptimized images contribute to bloated web pages, resulting in slower loading times.
  • Optimizing large images without compromising quality is a strategic way to accelerate web page speed, particularly beneficial for platforms like WordPress.

2. Enhance User Experience:

  • Shortens page load times significantly, addressing the challenge of time management in today's fast-paced digital environment.

3. Efficient File Downloads:

  • Extended page load times frustrate website visitors and can lead to a high bounce rate.
  • Websites taking longer than three seconds to load often experience a significant percentage of visitors leaving without exploring further. Optimizing images directly addresses this issue, providing a faster and more enjoyable user experience.

4. Security Advantages:

  • Acts as a robust security measure, safeguarding content and user data against potential threats.
  • Enhances the security posture of your website, contributing to a safer online environment.

5. Enhanced User Comfort:

  • The efficiency and reliability of the CDN contribute to a seamless and comfortable user experience.

6. Improved Website Referencing:

  • Enhances website referencing, a critical factor for the long-term survival and visibility of the site.

Minify CSS and JavaScript files

Using a lot of JavaScript (JS) and having unminified CSS files on a website can cause some problems. First, it can make the website take longer to load because the files are bigger and need more time to download. This is not good for people who have slow internet or limited data plans.

Having too much JavaScript can also slow down how fast the website works. It might take longer for things to happen on the page, and this can make the website less enjoyable for users.

Minify CSS and JavaScript

1. Load Time Reduction:

  • Minification involves the removal of unnecessary characters, spaces, and line breaks from CSS and JavaScript files, reducing their overall size.
  • This reduction in file size directly contributes to faster load times for web pages.

2. Bandwidth Optimization:

  • Minified files consume less bandwidth during data transfer between the server and the user's browser.
  • This optimization is particularly valuable for users with limited data plans, as it minimizes the amount of data they need to download, leading to a more efficient and cost-effective browsing experience.

3. Improved Site Speed:

  • Minification leads to streamlined code, allowing browsers to process and render the content more quickly.
  • Improved site speed is essential for retaining user engagement and reducing bounce rates, positively impacting the overall user experience.

4. Enhanced Accessibility:

  • Faster load times and optimized bandwidth usage contribute to enhanced accessibility for users across various devices and network conditions.
  • It ensures a smoother experience for users with varying internet speeds and devices, promoting inclusivity.

5. Better User Experience:

  • The culmination of load time reduction, bandwidth optimization, improved site speed, and enhanced accessibility directly translates into an overall better user experience.
  • Users experience quicker page loading, reduced waiting times, and a more responsive website, leading to increased satisfaction and engagement.

Reduce the number of HTTP requests if possible

When you visit a webpage, your browser often has to ask the server for many different things like images, scripts, and style files. Each time it asks, it adds a little delay because the request has to travel to the server and back. Some pages need dozens of these requests, and that can slow down how quickly the page loads.

If a webpage gets its resources from different places, like various servers, there's a risk. If there's a problem with one of those servers, the page might not load correctly or could be very slow.

To tackle these issues, it's a good idea to try and reduce the total number of requests a page makes. This means keeping the number of different things the page needs to load to a minimum. Developers can use speed tests to find out which requests take the longest. For example, if images are causing a delay, they might consider using a faster image hosting solution, like a Content Delivery Network (CDN), to speed things up. This way, they can make sure the webpage loads quickly and smoothly for users.

Here is some tools where we can measure https: requests and performance

1. Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool from Google provides insights into your website's performance on both mobile and desktop devices and offers suggestions for improvement. Visit Site

2. GTmetrix: GTmetrix analyses your site's speed and provides a detailed report, including page load times, PageSpeed and YSlow scores, and recommendations for optimization. Visit Site

3. Pingdom Website Speed Test: Pingdom offers a user-friendly tool to test your website's load time and provides performance insights along with historical data. Visit Site

Lighthouse is an integrated tool within Google Chrome's DevTools that assesses your site's performance, accessibility, SEO, and more. We can open this by following these steps :

  • Right-click on your page and select "Inspect" to open DevTools.
  • In DevTools, click on the "Lighthouse" tab.
  • Click the "Generate Report" button to assess your site's performance, accessibility, SEO, and more.

Reduce the Number of Plugins

Reducing the number of plugins on your website is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring a smoother user experience. Plugins are handy tools that add extra features to your site, commonly used in content management systems like WordPress. However, they come with certain downsides.

1. Additional CSS and JavaScript:

  • Every plugin you install typically loads additional CSS and JavaScript files. These files can accumulate and contribute to longer page load times, impacting the overall performance of your website.

2. Increased Time to First Byte (TTFB):

  • Some plugins may require extra processing on the server for each page request, leading to an increased Time to First Byte. This delay affects how quickly a browser receives the first byte of data from the server, influencing the overall loading speed

3. To optimize your website, consider the following recommendations:

  • Plugin Evaluation: Review the list of installed plugins on your website. Evaluate each plugin's functionality and assess whether it is genuinely necessary for your site's core objectives.
  • Critical Plugins Only: Keep only the plugins that are critical for your website's functionality. If a plugin doesn't contribute significantly to your site's goals, consider removing it to streamline your website's performance.
  • Performance Impact: Evaluate the influence of each plugin on your website's performance. Identify plugins that significantly slow down your site and weigh their benefits against the drawbacks.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically revisit your list of plugins to ensure it remains streamlined. Remove any outdated or unused plugins to maintain optimal website performance.


Before anything, we have to think or plan about what we are going to do on the basis of requirements. We should think about every person that can able to use that website we are going to code. After that, we should follow the ways to improve our website performance and speed. optimizing website performance involves implementing key strategies. Utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) ensures global reach, accelerating page load times and enhancing security. Image optimization is vital, reducing web page load times and improving the overall user experience. Minifying CSS and JavaScript files contributes to faster load times, bandwidth efficiency, and better user accessibility. Reducing the number of HTTP requests is crucial, minimizing delays in loading and promoting a seamless user experience. Additionally, tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Lighthouse aid in assessing and improving website performance. Finally, a judicious approach to plugins, keeping only essential ones and regularly maintaining them, is pivotal for streamlined website functionality and optimal performance.


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